Assessment Overview

You will be assessed through a combination of evidence portfolios, reflective journals, written assignments, a written exam, group presentations, case studies and a research project in your final year, as well as through observations of their teaching practice.

From the outset, you will receive feedback on your interactions with the children, and then gradually focus in more specifically on how effectively your teaching promotes learning. All our assessment is formative ensuring we all use the information to support you to make progress. Our approach is to use a variety of information and work with you to reflect and draw together elements of your knowledge, skills and understanding to view the whole and break the whole down into its constituent pieces to unpick key areas to focus on. Your progress through the sequential and progressive curriculum is assessment using set criteria which we have developed in the partnership.  This ensures consistency across the Partnership between all schools, SBTs (mentors), tutors and students. This framework is shared directly with you so that you are well-equipped to self-evaluate, reflect and prioritise targets for your continued development.