Working With Us
Are you a graduate who is currently working in a school who wishes to take that next, exciting step to becoming a qualified teacher?
Are you an experienced Teaching Assistant, without a degree, but wishing to progress to become a qualified teacher?
Are you a Headteacher, who has spotted someone within your support staff who has huge potential? Would you like, in conjunction with the Two Mile Ash ITT Partnership, to ‘grow your own’ future teachers?
Our routes into teaching, including the Postgraduate Teaching Apprenticeship, the QTS routes and our BA (Hons) Primary and Early years Education programmes provide opportunities to grow teachers in your schools.
We are looking for schools with passionate teaching staff, who thrive on sharing their expertise and supporting others and who would like to get involved in selection, training, hosting or assessing trainee teachers.
If you are interested in working with us please contact
Benefits to Headteachers of School Centred Initial Teacher Training with Two Mile Ash
- Practitioners, who by the end of their training year, are already familiar with your school’s ethos, school routines and expectations.
- Opportunities for existing staff to develop their own skills by mentoring new entrants to the profession.
- Savings made on recruitment costs by having a ‘ready-made’ ECT to join your existing staff.
- Trainees who benefit from bringing the knowledge and understanding developed in their core training sessions into their classroom practice.
- Development of a personalised school-based training programme within your school, tailoring to the needs of the school, the catchment and its children.
- Development of a personalised school-based training programme within your school, tailoring to the needs of the school, the catchment and its children.
- Growing your own team and retaining quality staff.
- Giving individual the opportunity to train locally, thus keeping supply within the region.
- Trainees have an understanding of the place of work, as well as training, thus building a rounded knowledge of the role of the teacher.
Requirements of any school wishing to support a Post Graduate Teaching Apprenticeship trainee
- Evidence that the trainee will be exposed to high quality teaching and learning
- A whole-school commitment to working in collaboration with TMA ITT Partnership
- Experienced member of staff, with at least 2 years teaching experience, to act as a General Mentor
- Flexible approach to supporting trainee needs
- Release of trainee from school to attend core training sessions
- Release of trainee for additional PGCE teaching sessions (if undertaking PGCE route)
- Release of trainee from school for 6 weeks during the Spring term for alternative school placement
- Release of General mentor to attend DFE Stipulated General Mentor Training
- Release of Headteacher to attend termly meetings.