Two Mile Ash Initial Teacher Training has a proud and long-standing reputation in Milton Keynes. It is trusted, respected and admired for sharing excellence, embodying outstanding practice and working purposefully and proactively alongside their partnership schools to produce highly-skilled, high-motivated and highly-employable postgraduate trainee teachers. Their alumni have enviable rates of retention in the profession and many are now experienced, excellent practitioners and leaders.
Because Milton Keynes is an exciting, vibrant new City which is still developing, its school community continues to grow year-on-year. This means we have had 100% employment of our graduate trainees for many years and have a 95% retention rate five years later, which is higher than the national average.
The building of so many new schools inspires creativity, pioneering new environments and practice; and the opportunities for teachers’ professional development and advancement into positions of leadership exceeds that of more established communities.
As well as operating as a provider of initial teacher training, Two Mile Ash continues to support Early Career Teachers working as a delivery partner with Chiltern Teaching School Hub.
We recognise the importance of looking after our trainees’ well-being and, to this end, our tutor team are experienced and expert in providing both academic and pastoral support and guidance.